Student Speaker Application Details

student speaker student speaker

Do you have something to say to your fellow graduates?

IMPORTANT: Commencement student speakers are ONLY featured in the spring/summer commencement ceremonies. One speaker is featured at each undergradaute, graduate, law, and medical ceremony.


Undergraduate Student Speaker for Spring/Summer Commencement Ceremonies

Applications will open on Monday, February 24, 2025.

Applications will close on Friday, March 21, 2025, at 4:00 p.m.  

Criteria for eligibility:

  1. Cumulative GPA of 3.0

  2. Applied to graduate in CaneLink for Spring or Summer graduation by the deadline and selected "Yes" for participation in commencement. Student speaker must be present at the in-person commencement ceremony in May.

  3. Must be in good standing with the University. All applications will be reviewed by school/college administrators and the Dean of Students Office for eligibility. Students who are currently on academic or disciplinary probation are not eligible to apply. 

    • Have you ever been found responsible for a disciplinary violation (academic or behavioral misconduct) while at the University of Miami that resulted in disciplinary action. These actions could include, but are not limited to: probation, suspension, removal, dismissal, or expulsion from the institution.
    • If you answered yes to the question above, please give the approximate date of each incident and explain the circumstances.

Application Process:

The online application includes:

  1. Essay: "Senior Reflections" (500 word count limit)

    • Reflect upon your time at the University of Miami. How has your collegiate experience at UM contributed to your development and future plans upon graduation?

  2. Video: Record yourself giving your intended commencement speech and include the URL to share the file on (5 min. max)

    • Record yourself delivering your intended student address as if you were at the commencement ceremony. Please note the speech may be different than your essay, but can be inspired by your reflection. Speech must not exceed 5 min.

  3. Current CV/resume

  4. References

    • The references we are asking for are the contact information for three references. One must be a faculty member and the other two can be a student organization advisor, academic advisor, or employer. Recommendation letters are not needed for the application. Please feel free to reach out to us should you need any other information. 

Finalists will be contacted for interviews.

Appy Now

Questions? Call the Office of Commencement at (305) 284-1824 or email us at:

Graduate Student Speaker

The graduate student speaker application will open in the Spring of 2025Click here to view eligibility requirements and to submit the application.
