
staff staff

Staff Volunteers

The Office of Commencement and Office of Strategic Events appreciate the dedication of the UM staff who volunteer their time to contribute to the success of the commencement ceremonies. To view the ceremony schedule and updated Commencement ceremony details visit the Ceremony Information page.

Volunteer opportunities are open to UM staff with supervisor approval. Administrative Commencement day(s) will be awarded to eligible staff who volunteer for multiple ceremonies.

Volunteer registration for the Spring 2025 ceremonies opens on:
Monday, March 17, 2025, until Friday, April 18, 2025.  

Mandatory Volunteer Meeting: Wednesday, April 30, 2025, in the SCC Ballrooms at 11:00 AM. 

  If you are interested in volunteering, please register via the link below:

Registration Here

Note: You must use your non-alias University email to register (e.g., seb123@miami.edu)


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  • How do I volunteer?

    If you are eligible to volunteer, please be on the lookout for the registration email from the Office of Commencement or click on the registration link located on this webpage.

  • Who is eligible to volunteer?

    Employees who work in either the Coral Gables or Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science campuses that are full-time staff with more than 50% FTE.  Employees must have their supervisor's approval to volunteer, even if all other qualifications are met.  

    Not sure if you qualify to volunteer?

    Check with your assigned Human Resources representative.  They can check if you are eligible to volunteer at Commencement.

  • Can I volunteer if I work at Medical Campus?

    Staff members who work on the Medical campus can only volunteer in the Medical ceremony, which is held once a year every spring semester.

    Please contact your Medical Human Resources representative for more information.

  • What should I wear?

    Dependent upon your role the attire will be business professional, a staff polo with khakis and comfortable footwear, or academic regalia. Your team leader will advise of the appropriate attire.

  • What is the time commitment?

    All ceremonies are approximately 2 hours. Dependent upon your role, you will be asked to report for your assignment 1-2 hours prior to the ceremony. Supervisor approval is required to volunteer.
 All volunteers are required to attend a one hour volunteer training meeting. Details including date, time, and location will be emailed to you.

  • Will meals be provided?

    Depending on the shift you work, you will be provided breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner.

  • Parking for commencement?

    Volunteers will need to park in their assigned permit zones. Please remember on-campus traffic is expected to be high with all the events going on.

  • What are the roles and duties?

    You will play a vital role in ensuring our Commencement ceremonies run smoothly, and that's where U come in! Each team leader will give directions on the selected role duties and responsibilities at the mandatory volunteer training. There are numerous volunteer opportunities; those open to eligible University staff are listed below:

    Grad Check-in
    • Assist graduates check-in, greeting students who arrive and guiding them to line-up with the Academic Procession.
    Golf Carts
    • Only for Motor Vehicle Registered, UM-authorized drivers. Drive special needs guests from the garage and adjacent parking lots to the Watsco Center before/after each ceremony.  Help answer any questions guests may have.
    Greeters & Special Needs
    • Greet and welcome guests. Volunteers will seat guests and assist with any ADA requirements or special needs guests may have. Will need to stand for a period of time.
    Information Tent
    • Work at the Information Tent outdoors before and after each ceremony guiding and answering any questions graduates or guests may have as they arrive. Will need to stand for a period of time.
    Shuttle Buses
    • Guide guests using the UM shuttles to travel to and from the Watsco Center. Answer questions and make any necessary announcements.
    U Statue
    • Monitor the area and manage the lines for graduates and guests taking photos with the U statue. Will be standing for long periods of time.

  • What are Administrative Commencement day(s)?

    In appreciation of your time, UM may award an Administrative Commencement day for your service as a volunteer at spring commencement. An Administrative Commencement day is earned in the following ways:

    • Volunteer for at least 2 ceremonies in Spring/Fall and earn one (1) Administrative Commencement day.
    • Volunteer for at least 4 ceremonies in Spring and earn two (2) Administrative Commencement days. (one must be Friday at 5:30 PM)
    • Volunteer for all 5 ceremonies in Spring and earn two (2) Administrative Commencement days, a UM polo*, and a 25% discount at the Hurricanes Team Store.

    To be eligible for Administrative Commencement day(s), you must sign in and out of your volunteer shift for each ceremony with your team leader. Administrative Commencement day(s) earned will be added to your UM Workday account. For more information, contact your Human Resources representative.

    *Polos and discount information will be available for pick-up after commencement day, pending confirmation of 5 ceremonies worked. 

  • Do hourly employees’ (non-exempt) clock in and clock out based on the actual times they are working/volunteering at commencement each day, or based on the times of their “normal” workday?

    All employees are required to get prior approval from their supervisor if they plan to volunteer at commencement. Employees will receive guidance from their supervisor on how to manage the time they will spend at commencement. Non-exempt employees are required to clock in and clock out for all hours worked throughout the day, including their meal break. Depending on a department’s operational needs and budget, some supervisors may allow their non-exempt employee to volunteer at commencement and make up their hours throughout the week (potentially incurring overtime). Others may provide guidance that the non-exempt employee can assist with commencement, but they cannot exceed their regularly scheduled hours. Your supervisor is responsible for providing guidance and confirmation on how regular work and commencement volunteer hours will be managed.

  • Are non-exempt employees expected to go into overtime status, or are they expected to flex their time within the pay period to not accrue overtime?

    All employees are required to get prior approval from their supervisor if they plan to volunteer at commencement. Employees will receive guidance from their supervisor on how to manage the time they will spend at commencement. Non-exempt employees are required to clock in and clock out for all hours worked throughout the day, including their meal break. Depending on a department’s operational needs and budget, some supervisors may allow their non-exempt employee to volunteer at commencement and make up their hours throughout the week (potentially incurring overtime). Others may provide guidance that the non-exempt employee can assist with commencement, but they cannot exceed their regularly scheduled hours. Your supervisor is responsible for providing guidance and confirmation on how regular work and commencement volunteer hours will be managed.

  • Are non-exempt employees required to clock in and out for lunch as they would during a normal work day?

    Yes, all non-exempt employees need to clock-in and out for their meal break.

  • I want to volunteer for commencement, but I have questions regarding work hours?

    Both exempt and non-exempt employees should refer any questions regarding work hours or related information to their direct supervisor for guidance. Information provided by the Offices of Commencement and UM Strategic Events is solely related to commencement volunteer duties.

  • I have more questions, who should I contact?

    For more information, please email strategicevents@miami.edu.
